Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Views From The Oval Office Apple Bowl

I am hypnotised by this freakin' apple bowl. It's in every one of forty pictures you can see if you go HERE. I share only these with you but it's enough for you to get the point. Apples that have been eaten tell no secrets. Who is in charge of refilling the bowl? I am a big fan of the apple and have one a day myself. I like to see that Brother President Obama thinks along the same lines.


david_b said...

Where's the teleprompter..?

Kal said...

you answered your own question. Unless it's hidden in the apple bowl then there isn't one.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's probably bugged by the Chinese.

david_b said...

No I didn't ~ It was sarcasm, sir.

Even his klutzy side-kick mocked him for it on several occasions.

Hope for a new commander-in-chief soon. I retire after 30yrs of proud military service in a few short years. Sorry, but after serving under Reagan and both Bushes, would like someone elses signature on my retirement papers.