Sunday, October 28, 2012

Super Massive Halloween Cover Dump

I am been fighting a bitch of a cold this weekend so my posting has be drastically reduced these past few days. I feel bad for reducing my contributions to the world of blogging bacause as you all know - I am a star of the medium. If you haven't messaged me in awhile, I would love to hear some kind words from you.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Ghosts #1: Clark Gable marries a supermodel.

Wings1295 said...

Awesome stuff. I love old horror comics! Feel better, Cal!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

LOL @ Erik!

I hope that cold goes away quickly, Cal! In the meantime, chug a shitload of cough syrup and enjoy the buzz.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

My best wishes for your recovery as well. I just got over a respiratory flu myself, spewing immeasurable amounts of noxious fluids from my skull. I know what its like man, you've got to keep on fighting!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving the admonition about acknowledged serviceAir Duct Cleaning Leisureville burun estetiği

M. D. Jackson said...

Yeah, I had the same thing last week. Started in my head and moved to my chest and when you have a chest as big as mine it ain't fun.

Your blog seems to have caught a cold as well, if burun estetigi and a few other incomprehensible comments are any indication.

Kal said...

I KNOW...What the hell is with these Serbians finding my blog. I don't need my ducts cleaned.