Saturday, March 8, 2014

Part Of The Trading Card Collection Of Cool

I like the nostalgia packs from Boxsome which contain great complete packs of cards from movies like Supergirl and Superman II and the new cartoon The Batman.

The other side of the Boxsome package has even cooler cards to show off. The middle box contains a whole collection of Jack Kirby art, little seen in many decades. Very cool series that hits me where I live. So many of my favorite properties in one place....and in card form. Every pack I find is usually a surprise or a gift. I also enjoy how I have built my card collection over the years. It's been like a community project.

Most of these are from my Arizona Brother Doctor Goat, who I haven't talk to in far too long. He was one of the first supporters of the Cave of Cool and I miss his contribution to the site. I especially love the DUNE set he sent me, which is complete. We all know what a huge fan of the book and movie DUNE  that I am, so any collectibles from that property are deeply prized by me. Plus check out those Mars Attacks cards. Just as gruesome and over-the-top as you always remembered them. There is also a great collection of pulp covers, a Marvel Superheroes series and one from Babylon Five.
These are from the huge Christmas cookie tin that hold many more of my cards - the ones not in albums. I have to look around and gather up everything I have in one place. I have many of the early Marvel cards and many exclusives that came with Wizard when that magazine was still being published.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

You call these trading cards "cool"?! I don't see a picture of Mr. T on any of them.

Jordan said...

So wait -- do you open those Boxsome packs?

You don't seem like the type to keep comics, toys etc. "boxed," but I guess I can imagine you making an exception.

Kal said...

I just haven't opened them yet...but I will when I need to open something. I often keep packages unopened too so I have something to surprise me when I need it.

Kal said...

I have a Mr T sticker book with stickers so don't get all smug there Erik. I love Mr T and finding one of his action figures in a nice box is on my list for this year's collecting.

Jordan said...

I pity the fool who attempts to be condescending to Cal's collection of artifacts.

DrGoat said...

Still here, just been kinda busy with the stuff life throws at you sometimes. Getting old sucks. I thought I had a Dune Sand Crawler somewhere in the shed. I'll do a search next weekend. If I find it, it's yours. Haven't seen it for years but you never know.

Kal said...

WOW..that is so cool. Hope you are feeling better my friend.

DrGoat said...

Each day is a gift. Thanks Cal!