I have decided not to post anything more until I start seeing more of the love. I am lonely and feeling unappreciated for the crappy blog I do. Once I REACH FIFTY MESSAGES, I will resume my regular presentation.
Thank You - The Manangement.
If you like what I do, try to convince a like minded traveller to come on board as well. I have so little in my life. Think of me as a 'Make A Wish Kid'.
The Cave Of Cool is ready to shut down I think. I am not feeling the love lately and it's been hard finding kindred spirits or even ONE girl who would find me interesting. I feel like I have wasted all these years with my stupid balloon juice. I could have been lighting fires instead. Not how I thought my career as a Cold Warrior to end. We fought in space you know. Few people remember that.
What kind of messages would you like, Cal? Personally, visiting your site is one of my favorite daily rituals. It's a nice way to unwind in the evening- funny animal pictures, cosplay, cool toys and comic stuff.
There must forever be a Cave of Cool.
Sorry kid, been swamped. Just as an FYI I have the Conan issue of "What If..." One of my personal faves.
Don't desert us, Cal! It's a cruel, hard world out there and we need the sanctuary of the Cave of Cool!
Calvin! The only thing that separates me from you is distance. I am your friend. I love you. I think of you like I think of my close Pals here on the Long Island. Your appreciation for art,comics,redheads,Selena,cats,film,Robin,Dwayne Johnson and so many other things is inspiring. You needn't feel lonely. Lonliness is a frame of mind. You are a highly intelligent sentient being with rapier swift wit as sharp as a whip. You are a good guy. Sure you can wait for more comments until you hit 50 but... I'll be waiting. We will all be waiting. I visit every day. I may not have a lot to say but I am here. I stop in to see what is new. I like coming to the cave. I feel warm and cozy inside because I am visiting a friend and we're having tea. That's how I feel when I come here. Yes... Lonely living sucks but you can overcome you can beat it. So stand up take a breath out in the cold and free your mind. I want to see more toys and action figures and BatGirl!!! You're doing good work and it is appreciated. Don't stop...please Pal?
Yeah! What Mike said!
Listen, There must always be a Cave of Cool so think long and hard about what you're getting at. I fear that if you choose unwisely, someone will simply sneak up behind you, behead you and take up your mantle.
How about a guest host day? Take one day off a week and see how someone, inspired by you, runs everything you built ....into the ground!? Just a suggestion.
I read and look at everything you post....if not every day than for 3 hours straight on Saturday morning playing catch up.
I'm learning from blogging that if people don't immediately respond...it's most likely because they agree with everything you've said. When you're getting mass responses it's usually a tip off that you fucked up!
Maybe it's time to leave - head out into the wilds, Cal. Leave what you're doing and go seek adventures - because that's maybe where you will find what you want - not just on your amazingly cool blog that I think is awesome. You're awesome, and I'm a girl so I hope that counts. I know other people would love you to stay and blog, but maybe this is a way for you to get out of doing this now, that this is your out of something that no longer helps/suits you. Whatever you chose, please remember you take the cool with you wherever you go. And FYI - I have a tiny blog - I get 30 readers per post and very little feedback, but it's cool, because I know that it's part of my adventure!
Sorry Cal I'm not a chick. This summer has been clusterfuck. I always try and stop by everyday, even if I can't comment as much as I'd like. Buck up.
Noooo say it ain so. There just aren't enough red headed girls in my life to let you pull the cave. But seriously man, I do love and appreciate your wicked cave. Plus you find some wicked far out stuff that spins my big ol' head right out. Stay frosty Mr Cal.
Hey Kal,
I love your blog, I visit a least a couple times a day and yes, I don't always post a comment but it doesn't mean you're not appreciated. Please don't shut down the cave, where will I get my fix of magnificent redheads, image blizzards, hatred of cephalopods and of course my favorite, Wednesdays with Wonder Woman. You are loved man, now get back to what you do best...posting awesome shit that makes us say "holy shit, I remember that!"
No! You cannot stop! I visit every day in search of cat captions. You have a gift. I have many of my favourites saved in my pictures folder that I rifle through when I need a giggle. Stop and I will only have the plebs at cheezburger.
Also, I do love your guest lists...
Love you Cal. I've been kind off the radar except on facebook and instagram. But I think you need your outlook and you've put so much into this blog, it would be shame to stop.
Zebra striped dinosaurs? We'll never see them coming now!!!
Good Sir Cal.... You have not "wasted" your time ....
many times when we are feeling at our lowest...your great sense of humor and your wonderful posts have lifted my spirits....even in my darkest of times....
Hang in there my Friend....
Ohhhh, just have a good cry.
See you tomorrow, sir.
Ok, it's time to share: just over five years ago, my life fell apart after years of strain. I finally succumbed to an undiagnosed bipolar disorder. I grew up in an emotionally and sometimes physically abusive household, and I was in love with my drama and misery. I finally almost succumb to years of rage, depression, mania, and too much obsession with my sadness. My body rebelled, and I had a heart attack. At age 33.
Yeah, suffice to say, I was a mess, man.
Fast forward five years, and lots of work on my mind, soul, and body, and I'm surrounded by love and even better than that I have found my sanity and my peace. I think I needed the heart attack to wake me up, honestly.
Why am I telling you this? Because I think you are a kindred spirit, and I want to tell you that I have gone through some shit, man. And I know you have as well. Trust me, I know it. Perhaps you've lived through things like beatings and punishment and women who only seemed to come into your life to tear your heart to shreds, just like I have. I want you to know that you can find the way out. And it will be your greatest adventure, my friend.
I know we have never met in the flesh, but if I could shake your hand I would. I know you're a good soul, and a deep one, and tormented perhaps. But if you need to go, go and do what you need to do to get to your own peace. Just remember my story, and the stories of other people's hardships, man. Because you are not alone, and that's not a frigging cliche. You have wisdom beyond the ken of those who've led easier lives. We can't afford to lose one of our life-scarred brethren.
Cal, whatever you decide, I wish you all the happiness in the world , and I'm not being trite when I tell you that you are the master of your fate, and can summon up a happy destiny if you let yourself do so.
Thank you for a great blog, and even more importantly, for being a brother-soul.
WOW. That was the single greatest piece of advice that I think I have ever read. I am glad it is written down so I can read it while I sit here and feel sorry for myself. I just don't want to be a lone anymore. I don't want to rage about the unfairness of that and I want to do what I love doing. You have convinced me that those are worthy goals. Thank you my brother for taking the time to care.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to send me a message. I means the world to know I have some fans out there. Oh and to JBond who must be insane, I could never allow quest posts. I have my touch on this baby right from the beginning. But you never know. Would people be interested.
There could be prizes and punch and pie.
I've been out of work since May... I have a torn rotator cuff as well as a herniated bulging disc that's pressing on a nerve rendering my left leg weak , useless and numb. I get a huge painful spasm in my leg when I stand up from a seated position. My arm is not strong enough to pour soda from a two litre bottle and I may require surgery. But I'm not down... I am still optimistic and know one day I will be back to normal. Its just a matter of time. Money is an issue... I take in workmens compensation. It's just barely enough to pay my bills. My wife works hard and is exhausted by weeks end. But we're getting along. She with her fatigue and me with my cane. We still march along. Knowing I will be whole before long. So Cal... Post...post and post...keep things going to keep things normal. No matter how low you feel... You can still find joy in doing what you love. Keep things cool!!!
Take a month off and recharge your batteries. Go wander Alberta and introduce yourself to some nice ladies. Visit new places and discover new points of inspiration.
We will all be here when you come back.
Whatever you decide to do my Friend... we wish you the Best....
Your site is my favorite and it brings me joy everyday. I know I'm not the only one that looks forward to your posts. I hope you know that you are making people all over the world happy, that you are making the world a better place. thank you for all your hard work and I hope to see more of your posts in the future. Like the others said, if you need a break, take one. But you have to do what is best for you. All the best to you!
My pleasure Cal! I'm personally tired of my fellow men getting crushed by life. I know you've revealed some of your past troubles, so I knew you were probably feeling like you were alone in suffering. But I wanted to show you a glimpse of my own struggles to help alleviate that feeling of loneliness. When we share vulnerability we help each other remember the humanity we all share.
Welcome back! So I guess this means I should discard the HUGE image file I was amassing for my planned 'Guess What's Growing in My Shower' Thursdays for my guest stint over here?
cosplayers are really cool especially with their costumes on..
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