Monday, February 13, 2017

Riddle Me This Cave Of Cool Tribe Members?

Do they still makes these? In Canada they were called WIG WAG but they haven't been around since the 70s. I would love to try one out of the freezer to see if they are the same as I remember. They were one of my favorites as a kid. WIG WAGS were chocolate covered caramel that froze to that perfect consistency that I love in that combination of flavors. I have to check out local candy store to see if they carry this bar but I don't think so. They keep running out of my beloved Rocky Road bars thought I ask them to hold me a box when they come in so I am not happy with them right now.

I want to have them help me import me my bars by the BOX ever three or so months. They have the sources and I would like to save the 20 dollars a box that it usually costs  me to buy and ship the good stuff to me. I just prefer to have my favorite bars when I want a chocolate bar. I am very OCD that way.
I can see from their shelf that they don't have Curly Wurly.
I have messaged them to see about that.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I used to like Wig Wag bars too. I haven't seen one on a shelf since Christ was a boy.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

They don't make them anymore. They don't make any of my old favorites like Cuban Lunch which we both loved.

Dr. Theda said...

When I was a kid, there was a candy like this called a "Marathon" bar (early 70's)....
Not made in many years here... not fimilar with this other candy....