Wednesday, June 14, 2017

I Am Just A Ball Of Rage Today

Maybe getting shot at will get Congress off their collective fat asses to do SOMETHING to heal a wounded and broken nation. The guns, the toxic rhetoric, the blatant LIES from the Douchebag In Chief and his ass kissing 'dream team'. It's ENOUGH already. Drump of course will continue to be the source of much of the divisive anger because the people who don't trust him and see him lie (with fact and videos on the Internet to PROVE he is a lying con artist and a cheat with no ethics or class) are afraid of all the poor and middle classes he will hurt with his broken and unrealistic promises and those whose support him and too stupid to realize that and the SNOWFAKES that they hate are still FUCKING PATRIOTS WHO LOVE THE COUNTRY AS MUCH AS EVEYRONE ELSE on the Right does, maybe even more because they don't enable this sack of shit. I refer you to the cartoon of his cabinet killing his ass. Once his supporters realize that the Emperor Has No Cloths they may come to our side in large enough numbers to chance this wheel of misfortune that gets spun daily. We just have to trust the system and the collective wisdom of humanity to reject the worst person to ever be in elected office. Who ever thought that a shitty businessman would make a good President?? I doubt Congress will do anything because that is where change begins. because so many of them and their masters have a vested interest in keeping things just the way they are despite their honorable intentions. 20 Million or more lose healthcare so that the richest of the rich get another tax break that they don't need. More Robber Baron bullshit that should be an Impeachable offence like all the other ways that the Trump Cartel is making money off Daddy's job. Unless this is politically expedient to keep the issues alive, this will be forgotten in a week like every other forgotten mass shooting. More than 150 this year so far and several of those shooting by toddlers. Now is the time to push for mental health screenings and stricter background checks for guns because guess what? It's not only racist white boys who never got laid who are arming themselves now. I am just happy that the shooter is just a home grown white person. Of course the right will claim that ALL Socialists should be rounded up in camps but less so than if the shooter was Muslim because you KNOW that Drump would have turned it into his 'Reichstag Fire' and we knew how that ended for the German People with the Nuremburg Laws in 1932. I have no doubt he is waiting for such a tragedy to finally get America scared enough to make some really stupid and racist laws. History loves to repeat itself. Read a BOOK if you don't believe me. But have hope like both Calvin and Mr. Miyagi have for you. And as usual with this topic I end with the words of Jor-el from the Superman movie. - They are a great people Kal-el, they wish to be. Thy only lake the light to show them the way. Be a light in the darkness.

Oh and if you are reading this, BLOOR, you are still suck.


Anonymous said...

Wow, someone who apparently bathed in this type of rhetoric just tried to kill people and you're shoveling more of it.

Since before Trump secured the nomination(remember I was dead set against that and actually voted Libertarian) I've been trying to reach out a hand, to acknowledge that even people I think are completely wrong aren't evil, I've felt that hand slapped away before but this was one of the biggest slaps.

How can this end without strife, because from my perspective a socialist's supporter just decided to turn to violence as a political solution and you just said it was a good thing?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I didn't think it was rhetoric that I was shoveling because what I said is the truth. Those in charge might not be evil but they are selfish and don't care one wit about what is best for the American people. Jobs were given out based on who kissed Drump's ass or were big donors. I just can't cut slack to the lies and con your leader is pulling on the world. I want more people to see it from the same point of view although I know it will be hard for them to do that because then they would have to admit that they were wrong about Trump all along. I don't think I said that violence was the answer but now that it HAS occurred I want it to lead to positive change instead of being ignored a week from now. I understand the anger of a person who as a socialist wants to see the weakest of us get cared about and not ignored by a congress and an administration that has shown no such love. Of course someone would be angry and express that anger in a nation awash in guns. A nation where the leader divides and doesn't unite. I sorry you think that I have nothing to offer to the discussion.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's not you, it's the splinter talking.

DrGoat said...

Besides, I think the right has more than it's share of violent nut cases. Timothy McViegh killed enough people don't ya think? I work next to the Safeway shopping center where Jared Loughner shot Dem. Gabby Gifford and bunch of other people including a little girl. We heard the shots. He was registered as an Independent, which in Arizona means an independent republican basically. How can this end without strife? Well the right has been preparing for that for a long time anyway, in case you haven't been reading the news for the past 10 years or more. I'm not even going to start in about Trump and his cabinet of morally corrupt cretins. It's too exhausting. All due respect Odesseus.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I agree. Put up a comparison of right vs left and mass shootings and our side will be sparce.

david_b said...

Still BS..

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's the environment that exists now that we are living under the Idiot Trump. It broke a guy and will break more of you before it's over.