Sunday, June 2, 2019

You Obviously Haven't Tried To Be One Of The First People To Get BC Cherries For The Summer



j-swin said...

The world where he is a frightened child who is offended by anything that doesn’t fit in his narrow scope of what he finds acceptable while simultaneously not caring if he offends anyone else with his backwards, society degrading opinions and therefore subconsciously feels threatened by everything that isn’t exactly like him because he himself has been taught to act aggressive against anything that is different.

It’s sad and pathetic that people actually act like they have to “be ready for anything” instead of making the change we need in the world to stop squabbling about our differences, embrace one another and work towards bettering ourselves.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahahaha, yeah, those old ladies in the lineups are vicious! I should know, I'm one of them!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That is why I made peace with your predators long ago and now share in the cherry bounty. But to enforce your right to cherries at the point of a gun is just gauche. It's not done.