My father had an irrational love for canned Spam. He loved everything about it. He loved the little key that you used to open the can. He loved the way that a thick piece of Spam would fry up with eggs in the morning. Around our house there was nothing better than finding out that Dad made our lunches (fried spam with cheese and ketchup sammiches) or supper (chuck wagon diner with fried spam). I would never eat raw Spam and I still puke every time I see the jelly that is attached to it when it's taken out of the can. With that said you still can't deny that fried Spam is a delicacy of the highest order. Well it's a delicacy to us simple folks.
Despite looking like a slimy pink mutant in a can, SPAM has all of the ingredients you need to stay alive — calories, protein and water content. And with 33% of the average man’s daily sodium allowance in each can, it’ll be a cold day in hell before the “meat” spoils.
"I'm having spam, spam, spam, eggs, bacon, sausage and spam. I love it!"
I grew up on fried Spam sandwiches on toast with mayo and lettuce.
And I liked it.
Besides, as a Minnesotan, I believe we are required to keep a can of the gelled meat-like substance in the pantry at all times.
You better believe I do.
If the Apocalypse comes, we'll be eating worse crap than spam.
Don't forget the wonder that is spam on crackers...all that sodium will make you retain waters for weeks but yummo
My father had an irrational love for canned Spam. He loved everything about it. He loved the little key that you used to open the can. He loved the way that a thick piece of Spam would fry up with eggs in the morning. Around our house there was nothing better than finding out that Dad made our lunches (fried spam with cheese and ketchup sammiches) or supper (chuckwagon diner with fried spam). I would never eat raw Spam and I still puke everytime I see the jelly that is attatched to it when it's taken out of the can. With that said you still can't deny that fried Spam is a delicacy of the highest order.
"It's people! Spam is made of people!"
Like Pearl, I too have a can of Spam in my cupboard, and it's been there since 2002. It's a momento I take with me to christen a new cupboard as mine.
OMG...we are all the same person. We need a SPAM support group.
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