Nothing cooler than being dropping right into the middle of the action. The 'Raggedy Doctor'...ha ha ha ha. Do we ever get to see her childhood drawings of the Doctor? K, don't answer that. I just saw and it was cooler than I could ever have imagined. Amy even made 'Raggedy Doctor' action figures.
12 years and then two years more? That would be the end for me. No one can wait that long except for Amy Pond, the girl who waited. Wow.

Why do the Dalek fill me more with giggles than with fear? Do they have to be so uptight about EVERYTHING? I half expect their circuits to overload and explode from the stress alone.
Vincent Van Gogh - Now I want to party with that cowboy. But I am getting tired of the 11th Doctor treating Amy with such kid gloves. What kind of companion is never with you? No kind of companion at all, that's what.
I know it has something to do with Amy's baby who is River (yes, I watch the show out of order - doesn't everybody?) but I am ready for this little plot thread to resolve itself. I know there is also a perfectly horrible reason why Amy doesn't remember the Dalek invasion of Earth. I don't want to know the truth do I?
I like the low grade computer research system on the new look TARDIS. The steampunk tinged tech is also a nice touch. Finally it doesn't look so much like a soviet spaceship - in other words, a piece of junk. I like that all the loose wires got cleaned up.
On another note is there a reason why the Doctor looks younger with each incarnation? It's 'Time Lord' meets 'Benjamin Button' isn't it?

Amy sitting amongst the sunflowers in Van Gogh's garden is just perfection. How could the great artist not fall in love with her? I so want to open up my Amy Pond action figure. I need to find me a Rose Tyler figure now.

Finally starting Series 5?
I am and I totally adore Amy's bravery. She's no Rose but she is awesome in her own way. Matt Smith is really growing on me too.
Watching out of order? That's out of order mate. I really enjoyed series 5 you've got some real treats ahead. Dr Who rarely disappoints. There's the odd bung episode here and there but they rarely effect the whole timey whimey experience. Geronimo!
Although naughty Kal you should've put a spoiler warning at the top of this post. For those that are new to the who.
I thought I was the only one that hadn't watched all the Dr Who episodes.
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