The media corrupted this case right from the beginning and the prosecutors couldn't come up with the smoking gun that was needed to make this one the slam dunk it should have been.
Breaking News of the Day: Casey Anthony, who was facing a possibly death sentence for the alleged murder of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, was found not guilty of all felony charges — murder, manslaughter, and child abuse — by a jury of her peers.
Though Anthony was convicted of multiple misdemeanor charges of providing false information to a law enforcement officer, she is not expected to see much jail time, if any.
Sentencing has been set for Thursday.
I have not kept up with anything on the case. But I have experienced something first hand that shows me that the press and outsiders don't know all of the facts.
There is stuff going on in the case that we don't know nor would I want to. Was this justice served it is not for me to decide. The case won't wash off of that family and it is something that they will forever have to live with.
Live FREE with you mean.
None of the family will ever be free, regardless of if they are in bars or not.
She'll become a millionare by writing a book & then a movie deal.
If she lives that long. And yes I am advocating for her death. Let me look up 'gun toting maniac' on the Google.
Unreal. Absolutely unreal. I give up.
Yup, time to pull the plug on our whole shameful civilization before we do something really embarassing.
They didn't really have a case against her. I mean it was obvious that she did it, but without proof, what can you do. There was no way you were getting a conviction without a cause of death or witnesses, or actually any evidence at all other than motive.
I agree Budd. No smoking gun but a mountain of circumstancial evidence. First degree murder was a stretch and an overreach by the prosecution. Sure she did it but you are right that knowing it and proving it are two different things. She's a psychopath and she got away with murder.
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