Bai Ling just climbed to the room of the Pasadena Recovery Center. She is a patient/contestant in the latest round of 'Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew'. Casting someone as unstable as Bai Ling is good for the ratings but not good for poor Bai. I wonder if these dangerous antics of her are common or are they only because the whole thing is being filmed? Either way I enjoy her brand of 'crazy' way more than I should because this woman is so obviously mentally ill.

Steven Adler is another patient/contestant. He is famous for getting kicked out of the rock group 'Guns and Roses' because he PARTIED TOO MUCH!! How much frickin' partying do you have to do to get kicked out of 'Guns and Roses'? The boys in that band don't appear the type to look down on anyone who parties hard.

Michael Lohan, the father of Lindsey is in this season's crop of recovering addicts also. I find him to be such a pathetic figure. He more than anyone seems to be in rehab to rebuild his public image which he hopes will lead to more money in the future. As it is now, he has made such a train wreck out of the lives of his whole family that it's hard to generate any sympathy for him in my mind. He is the poster child for Hollywood bottom feeders.

Sean Young can be remember from such films as 'No Way Out' and 'Blade Runner'. She is also notorious for her drunken antics at public celebrity events and for wearing a homemade Catwoman costume to audition for a role in the sequel to Tim Burton's Batman. She can bring the crazy when she wants to because she loves nothing better than having screaming arguments with anyone - but more usually Amy Fisher.

Ah, Amy Fisher, the 'Long Island Lolita' who had underage sex with scumbag Joey Buttafuco and the went over to Joey's house to shoot Joey's wife in the face. She lived and the life of Amy Fisher started to circle the toilet. She served time in prison and came out of that ordeal only to be exploited by other men. For the past six months she has been doing porn films - something I always predicted would happen to her. She is good TV because she is a runner. She is someone who threatens to quit rehab whenever it gets too hard for her. For the first time in years she is being asked to examine herself and that idea totally terrifies her. The compartmentalization her mind does to free her from much guilt over the bad things she has done in her life has protected her from facing those tough truths up until now.

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