As often happens in life, the difference between winning and losing comes down to how well the burger is cooked. How perfect that the grilled meat challenge was ten to ten with only one well done burger for Ramsey to inspect. And it was done perfectly. You could see the results right there. You could tell the difference between the pieces as a viewer and for a rare occasion you saw that Ramsey does know his stuff...he just chooses to use his knowledge for evil instead of good.
Carrie is becoming very annoying. She thinks she is cute and uses that to cover up for her lack of abilities. And that things she does is not cute. It looks like she has a tourettes seizure. I half expect her face to freeze in that goofy pose. This is why people are hit in the face with frying pans in kitchens everyday.
Carrie and Brendon - this is how I loose my lunch. Again. I resist the 'cream sauce' joke. You people are killing me here. Who can think of sex being in the boner shrinking atmosphere of 'Hell's Kitchen' which at this point could also be called 'Hell's Whorehouse'.
How the hell can it take two hours to send out a plate of food? It's crazy. You have 7+ chiefs on each side. This is fine dining? This is why I have 'Easy Mac' in my pantry.
Chino is a nut. He's the guy to come back to the blue kitchen with a gun. Sure, it's a potato gun but a gun nonetheless.
Carrie worry more about getting your orders right and less about servicing your vagina. I always want food that someone has mistakenly started eating.
Brendon thinkin' with his dick is not helping anyone. Should have not lied about throwing out the old bass. He tried to pass off an old bass and lie about it. He even pretended to look for the old bass in the garbage can knowing it was not there. It's the cover-up that is always worse than the original crime.
Krupa is becoming my go-to girl. Underestimate her your peril. Then she drops the prime rib. They should just wash it off. Five second rule.
"Move that side of beef bitches!" I don't know why but I find the shit funny. This is why it is so hard to get rid of a body. Must be like carving up that beef. Takes forever to cut up all the pieces with a BOW SAW.
People should not have to be near any meat with a bow saw.
All that drama and I still love Amanda.
I knew Brendan was doomed as soon as he tried to bullshit Ramsay about the fish.
When Brendan looked in the garbage can did he think that the garbage fairies were going to magically conjure up a fish...not just a fish but a sea bass.
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