I may need to see this outfit in action before I form an opinion. However, as it looks in these photos, I don't like it. It seems like it was created from old basketballs and doesn't really seem like the kind of outfit a teen boy who just acquired superpowers would put together on his own. The color scheme and design touches are too advanced for the Peter Parker I know and further alienates me from this concept of Spider-Man.
But it sure does make his butt look great :D
That is just a 'stunt butt'.
'Stunt butt'
Almost choked when I read that LOL!
I didn't need to see the David E. Kelley Wonder Woman in action to know that it sucked. Ditto with this. Rebooting a franchise that's only ten years old and was hugely successful is a fucking disgrace. I refuse to see this movie on general principals; I don't care if it's the Star Wars of superhero movies.
There is just something off about this kid. He's not Peter Parker and we all know that it's Peter that makes Spidey such a great character. With Toby I never questioned that he was Peter right from the beginning. This kid, I am not feeling it. I have great stories to tell of the first times I saw Spider-Man one and two. It's an unecessary reboot. It feels corporate. Too bad they have the Raimi movies for comparison. It's a high bar to overcome. Look at what is happening to the Spider-Man production on Broadway. Not a good time to make a bad movie about him when a perfectly great version is already out there.
to all you stunt butts out there...
this will be what joel schulemacher did to the batman franchise... next he will have pointy nipples... which the name of my rock back in the 80's...
come on Cal, I got tons of this fabric lying around my house. It is practically all they sell at Joanne's. All of my clothes are made of it.
It looks cool, but doesn't fit within the story.
a horrid costume, and definitely one of the worst casting choices I've ever seen personally! They should have at least given him a proper haircut.
I could see if this was the final evolution of the costume in movie 3 of this cycle but my god, START with something a little more organic because that is more true to the story. It's 'Turn Off The Dark' all over again.
Your reservation is understandable Kal. Its hard to see past the fact that this movie is being made because of the money of the last three and the need for Columbia to continue to make films or else lose the rights. Poor reviews and a more or less completed story arc from the third film plus the rising cost of reuniting the cast and crew is likely why the franchise is being rebooted. The change in costume is here to remind us that this is a completely new film series (and so they can rebrand all the toys and other products)
I do feel kind of bad picking on this costume though because I know the designers had to have been told to make it as different as they could from the previous trilogy's costume, and yet that one was so close to the comics that there wasn't much in the way of wiggle room for them to work.
The jagged shape on the gloves is distractingly busy but I do like the way the way the chest symbol's spider legs and how they branch into the borders of the red portion, rather than something some just clumped in the center. Its reminisent of the the chest symbol used by the Ben Reilly Spider-Man during the 1990s. Speaking of red, I also like how the red chest piece is narrower, not only making him look slimmer and more agile, but also creating two also arrow shapes with the blue sides to guide the eye down the rest of his body.
Honestly I don't think the costume is even worth worrying about. What I really want to know is whats the story? Spider-Man has the most memorable and most repeatedly told origin stories this side of Superman. How will this movie freshen up something so familiar to both comic fans and moviegoers?
What is your opinion of doing a montage sequence of his origin and the key moment of 'Amazing Fantasy 15' - like the opening credits to 'Watchmen'. We all know the story. Get it over with and move on. They could make something pretty epic that would replicate the scenes as they were first draw in the comics only with live actors...or live CGI actors.
An animated origin story sequence sounds interesting but they kind of already did that in Spider-Man 2 with the Alex Ross paintings.
I know they rushed through the Hulk's origin again for that franchise reboot during the opening credits to re-establish that characters status quo which was likely a reaction to complaints that the Hulks first appearance took so darn long in that original movie.
However "The Incredible Hulk" was all about the chase, the lonely man and had a very cloak and dagger feel for the most part, so a Cliff Notes origin was necessary.
For audiences to connect to this new Spider-Man their going to have to actually see him go through his origins and personal at some point so that we know that Yes, this is the iconic character. Whether or not it happens all at once or even at the beginning of the film remains to be seen, though personally I think condensing an origin story upon re-entry would be something of a disservice.
If they aren't following the traditional formula of using the first half hour of the film for the spider bite, web shooters, wrestling match and Uncle Ben's death than I would speculate that the film will start out with Spidey swinging around fighting crime, and use strategically placed flashbacks (perhaps one at each act break) to show us how it he came to this point. Maybe Peter would have a realization during the climatic final fight were he learns that Curt Connors is the Lizard and trigger a memory of Peter's discovery that the burglar is his Uncle's killer, a similar scarring incident of recognizing his enemy.
Just some thoughts.
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