Monday, July 11, 2011

It's Just So Mean


Daisy said...

Ah, the kitty must feel like she is being scruffed by the mamacat!

D.I. Felipe González said...

Been there, done that (the old vulcan trick for cats is useful when attempting to bath a kitten).

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I have never seen that before. I hope that bulldog clip wasn't too tight.

Nick Ward said...

This trick also works on policemen.

DrGoat said...

I don't think I can top Nick's comment.
PS I tried the clip trick on one of our cats, a maine coon mix. He got up and walked away with the clip attached. I think he has too much fur to feel it enough.

TS Hendrik said...

My cats have been too willful for it to work. They just get ticked and yell at me.

Sarah said...

I prefer to torture my cats by putting stickers on their heads.

Kal said...

ha ha ha Sarah. I put a sticker on the Admiral's butt once. It was twenty minutes before he came around and asked for help.