How could 'Big Brother' bring back Rachel? Just so I could find news way to hate her? She is the most annoying reality 'star' ever and that is saying alot. She makes me cringe. Her laugh induces brain freeze. Everything about her is unpleasant. I so hope she would get tossed out first just to maintain sanity within the 'Big Brother' house. Yeh, Rachel has to go. I so like to think of creative ways for her to die on that show. Like 'Big Brother' meets 'Final Destination'.
Then the bitch goes and wins HOH (Head of Household) which gives her all the power in the first week of this show. She will never go away. Then to really add insult to injury, the producers dress her up in a cow costume and have her run a food competition. An excuse for her to get even louder and more annoying with her false cheerleading and cow related puns. GAH!!! I want to put her head - just her head - in the freezer.
Don't get me started with Evil Dick, the Keith Richards of reality televsion. That is a post for another day.
I, however, do love that the 'have not' room looks like a cell at the mental hospital. The lights can't be turned off which will only add to it's negative influence on the players who have to sleep there. I love little demonic touches like that. You know they consulted with experts at how to make the stay of the castmates as unpleasant as legally allowed.
Why are we not talking about this program people?
1 comment:
They should have sent Russell from Survivor into the House. This is going to be an evil season of BBH.
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