Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Secret Diary Of A Call Girl

Knowing what you know about me and my love for Rose Tyler, will I enjoy this program or will I hate it? I have the first season. I do like Billie Piper a lot. I want to like the character she is playing in this program.


Katie said...

The first two seasons are pretty good, after that it starts to run off the rails and her character gets really unlikable.

Keep in mind, she's nothing like Rose, but she is in skimpy lingerie for basically the entire show.

Kal said...

Thanks Katie, I think I will save this show for another time. I just don't want the way I look at Rose and by extention Billie to be tainted by something I probably would like. I can't let Rose go just yet.

D.I. Felipe González said...

I only watched the first season (damned VH1 Latam for not transmitting the next seasons) and I totally agree with Katie: she's not playing Rose, but she looks nice in the skimpy lingerie.

P.S. I had to download Torchwood, but I haven't seen it yet so please save your spoilers for an extra couple of days.

D.I. Felipe González said...

I only watched the first season (damned VH1 Latam for not transmitting the next seasons) and I totally agree with Katie: she's not playing Rose, but she looks nice in the skimpy lingerie.

P.S. I had to download Torchwood, but I haven't seen it yet so please save your spoilers for an extra couple of days.

Booksteve said...

I was extremely impressed with the first season. She gives a much more nuanced performance than I was expecting and I genuinely liked the character.

Add to that appearances by several interesting DR WHO actors including Ranni's dad from THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES, Callum Blue from late SMALLVILLE episodes and DEAD LIKE ME and even Matt Smith!!

Second season wasn't as good and I gave up soon after that.

Kal said...

Thanks for those reviews guys. I will save it for now I think. Interested in what you think of 'Torchwood', DI.

Sarah said...

I have watched all the seasons and enjoyed them all, but I didn't know Billie as Rose so I didn't have any view of her to be destroyed.

I thought the show did a nice job of delving into & explaining "deviant" sexuality and putting it in a light that makes everything normal. It also did a good job of exploring how the job affects her in real life and how her emotions are conflicted.

Plus Billie is HOT!