Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows Trailer


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Looks good! I enjoyed the first one.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Hard to judge this one since it doesn't seem to show much of what the story will be. I am going to keep my eye on it though so I was completely surprised by the quality of the first movie, since the original trailers focus of Sherlock vs. The Supernatural had believe it was going to be a groaner when it turned out to be one of the best franchise reboots I've ever seen, maintaining the essence of the character while redefining him to fit the silver screen.

Kal said...

I thought the first one did a good job at portraying Holmes as he would be day to day. You then easily indentify with Watson who has to be around this unpredictable genius more hours than he would like to be. It would be exhausting to be in Holme's company. Watson can't rest for a second because Holmes is always 'on'. I like the directions that Downey Jr takes this character on. Always interesting, always surprising. I am not one that complains when a character is altered for the movies. I am not such a purist. I think movies are 'ADAPTATIONS' and as such can survive some tweeking. Of course the real trick is changing just enough of the source material to make the movie work (Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2). I think this latest incarnation of Holmes works. I can only hope the story does the actors justice. That has always been the knock against Guy Richie the director. He is technically brilliant but it's his story indulgences that in the end ruin the story he is trying to tell. Less is more, Guy.

Unknown said...

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