I don't like this curly toe cowboy boot trend at all. No sir. I do not like it one damn bit. It's effeminate and more importantly - really really stupid. What was so wrong about the cowboy boot that made this creepy variation so necessary in the first place? This is the second such pic that I have seen this weekend.
I am getting ahead of this tsunami so I can watch this train wreck from a distance. This fad is just stupid enough to become a world wide phenomena. Don't laugh. It's no stupider than dressing like Michael Jackson on days other than Halloween. Remember when it breaks big that you read it here first.
I can't believe that some of these curly toe cowboy boot idiots just attach the curly toe part to a regular cowboy boot. That is so lame and bush league.
A REAL curly toe cowboy boot wearer knows is that you have to have these pieces of footwear custom made. The curl is something that is part of the boot making process. The point where the boot starts to curl it's toe needs to have a seamless look.
I can't believe I just wrote about curly toed cowboy boots.
Are these two numnuts dancing or fighting? I really can't tell.

How does a grown man make the conscious decision to match a fuchsia shirt with fuchsia cowboy boots? And for my follow up question - how does that same person leave the house looking like this?

If you want to read more about this craze, click the link below.
I haven't seen shoes like that since John Candy wore them on an SCTV skit. Are these things for real?
They better not try wearing those boots in Calgary, that's all I can say.
Pretty wild and ugly at the same time. I don't get it.
Nothing to do with the content of the post, but I have been quoting "Red October" all day on The Facebook.
'Red October' is full of great quotes as is 'Predator', MOCK!
Friends dont let friends go out like this... I'm tempted to say it looks gay...but I know some gay people and none of them would ever even consider wearing these, let alone go out in public like this..
I would only call this gay if someone puts little bells at the ends of the curly toes.
To ridiculous to even comment on, yet here I am. I passed on clicking on that link. Seen enough.
I thought cowboys were supposed to be all practical and stuff? You can't stuff your shoes into stirrups with those things on!
I never even thought of horse riding in the 25 reasons this cowboy boot thing is stupid list. I could add ten more reasons related to horse riding easy.
Dr G - I am proud to know that this post's topic crosses the line with you. When it's too easy to call down something stupid, among all we have seen in this life that are stupid...gives this post a special place in my heart. The jokes just write themselves. I would love to hear someone argue FOR these hideous modifications. It's all just so stupid.
"How does a grown man make the conscious decision to match a fuchsia shirt with fuchsia cowboy boots? And for my follow up question - how does that same person leave the house looking like this?"
Obviously, said man didn't have a woman to tell him how to dress.
Here's a thought GT - what if he does have a woman telling him how to dress? How more messed up does this whole story suddenly become?
If that's the case, God help us all, because then they will be breeding.
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