Can't they wear costumes that concist of both pants and a top instead of choosing between either pants or a top? It's all very distracting.
Oh and Apache Chief, do you really want to be wearing a skirt with no underwear, especially when you grow to 60 feet tall? That will make one hell of an upskirt photo and you know the media will be looking for that very picture.
I never noticed that before. Even Aquaman gets both pants and top, and he's the only one guaranteed to go swimming.
And don't let anyone tell ya that El Dorado's cape substitutes for a top because that just isn't so. A cape is a cape and it usually goes OVER a top, it is not used for a top unless it's a naked woman running from the mansion through the rain of a stormy night. There might also be a werewolf involved in that scenerio too.
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