No. 1 - Vampire Squid
Helping it stay true to its name, the Vampire Squid comes complete with its own cape, made from arms connected by black webbing. The webbing help propel it through the water and almost fly like—you guessed it—a bat. But by far, the coolest/weirdest thing about this sea creature is its ability to hypnotize its prey using what's knowns as "photophores" on its arms. So basically it's a living, breathing dance club.
Dunno if you got this link I sent you on the subject of cephalopods and their mimetic skin:
I probably would'a screamed too.
Do you understand what I have been talking about all this time. This is not the behavior of a creature from this planet. That is not evolution, that is engineering and that denotes intelligence. Plus they are all slimy with those suckers that leave hickeys all over your body. They have no concept of 'boundaries'. And they gossip.
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