Can anyone help me with a computer problem? I can't seem to load up the latest version of Adobe Flash. I can't watch the videos on my own site. Can all of you see the Lisa Loeb post for ther song STAY? When I do have success and manage to load the most up to the date flashplayer I still get that error message when I try to watch a video on You Tube. Any suggestions out there to help me out?
This may seem a stupid question but have you restarted your computer after you loaded up the new version of Flash? Also, what browser are you running? Are you using Internet Explorer? If so, what version?
Also, trepanation is not a solution to this problem as your illustration would suggest, although I can see how tempted one would be given the frustration level that a problem like this tends to cause.
Yes, I can see the Lisa Loeb video. I have no technical abilities so all I can do is wish you good luck in discovering and fixing the issue.
Switch to Chrome while you find a fix. It has built-in Flash.
I'd uninstall the player, do a restart then load the new player and another restart. I know it sounds like a lot of stuffing around but it's the best way to make sure you dont have install problems.
I use an uninstaller called 'REVO UNINSTALLER' if you Google it and go to their site they have a freeware version that chases up every thread and eliminates it for trouble free installations. Good luck!
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