Sunday, November 24, 2013

Charles Manson Is Getting Married?

There is something wrong when this old psycho can find someone to love him and I can't. I am just famous, not infamous, I guess. How are they allowed contact of any kind? At least he won't be enjoying any conjugal visits if there is a god but probably they will pony up for the wedding suite and the Viagra. Gah!



Tim Knight said...

Let's be honest I don't think you - or anyone else sane - would want to date a woman willing to marry Charles Manson!!!

Kal said...

Well I certainly don't want his sloppy seconds.

Kal said...

But seriously, who could I kill these days that would make me catnip to woman. Kim Kardashian? Kanye West? Justin Bieber?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The mutual love evidenced by the body language in that last photo brings a tear to my eye.

profsafety said...

Publicity stunt. That sack of human waste should have been put down a long time ago.

david_b said...

Where are they going to have their registry..?

Imagine if they have kids..?

"Ok, I suddenly feel icky..."

david_b said...

Is she only in it for the bookdeal..?

Is it really worth THAT MUCH..??

DrGoat said...

That lump of worthless humanity should have been put down long ago. As far as this goes, she's one of the more worthless products of our society. Egads. As far as a book deal, it just might be worth that much. Look at all the other crap people spend their money on. What glowing examples of humanity. This sh*t causes brain lesions.

david_b said...

"Amen.. and amen", DrGoat sir.