Thursday, November 14, 2013

German Toy Commercials Freak Me Out

Recently, a Masters of the Universe TV spot flashed in that column so I naturally clicked it. To my surprise it was in German…and it was AWESOME. It sounded like the kids in the ad were ready to invade Poland with a Wind Raider and an Attak Trak. And the announcer…he was the minister of this masterful Eternia propaganda.

Follow the link to see more classic toys commercials from the Fatherland. This would have been your Saturday morning television if Hitler had won the war. He-Man IS the embodiment of the Aryan Superman after all. OMG. It all makes so much more sense now.


Nerd Out With Me said...

Holy frakking nightmare fuel.

Kal said...

I know. It's beautiful isn't it?