Sunday, November 24, 2013

The More You Know...



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

His disappointment at the lack of flying cars and hoverboards is only eclipsed by our own.

Anonymous said...

Seems like twice a month now I see someone posting "Today's the day" memes.

Still isn't.

I don't know who is behind this conspiracy. I assume it's Biff Tannen.

Anonymous said...

Or, here we go:

The Flying Dachshund said...

I was about to say, it's a couple years early at least!! I remember telling my wife last year that the whole "2012 end of the world thingie" wouldn't happen since Marty McFly was able to travel to 2015... She rolled her eyes at me for that one... LOL

Chase March said...

Yep, this is wrong. Hoverboards still have a while before they become a reality. Come on 2015!