Sunday, November 24, 2013


We must save Bat Boy from that research facility.
It's not his fault he is a hideous freak of nature.
Who is with me?
I am overjoyed to find this Facebook page. I didn't even think to look. Loves me some Bat Boy. Have been a big fan of this ageless mutant for a long time now. I remember when we went to the Safeway for groceries on Friday nights as a kid. My mother would get her magazines at checkout along with the National Enquirer. My sister would throw one of those stupid Archie digests (that told the SAME STORY EACH AND EVERY TIME) on the pile and I would go for the Weekly World News and National Geographic. WWN was the only tabloid that told me the TRUTH, dagnabbit. Whenever an alien met with the President, they were there.
Though surprisingly they never said ANYTHING about the Octopus. Not a word about the Cephalopod plans for world domination. I think they have been infiltrated but I can't prove anything at this time.

And these are just from their FIRST PAGE.
I am going to enjoy going through the headlines all morning.


Tim Knight said...

You've quite made my day by pointing out that Facebook page. Haven't seen a copy of Weekly World News over here for ages!

Kal said...

It was a classic in it's day. I was the kind of kid also that would eat this stuff up with a spoon.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Now that was quality journalism.

Kal said...

You have be hypnotised by the Man and his corporate media conglomerate.

david_b said...

STILL love the 'Cheney is a ROBOT' one. I bought a few copies when it came out, I should really matte/frame 'em here in the office.

'best damn journalism...'

Kal said...

Reminds me of The Night Stalker. So I believe half of what WWN puts out. I mean, they have those pictures that don't look photoshopped at all.