Wednesday, July 30, 2014

These Are The Worst Times Of The Year For Me

You would think that Christmas would be my least favorite time of year. After all it has all the trappings of things I hate - commercialism, undeserved sentiment, bad gifts, no gifts, ect....But in truth my least favorite time of year is this time. I hate it when the temperatures in the Prairies reach over the 30 degree mark. Temps like that could last all week long if not longer. You would think it was a blessing but to someone who LOVES the cold of a Canadian winter, it's torture. I can never get cool enough to be comfortable. For the third year in a row I have put off getting an air conditioner and got by with fans because I thought it wasn't worth the investment for a few days of feeling hot and sticky. Today I regret the shortsightedness of my decision.

I love my home town. We have a huge lake nearby and for decades the lake would provide the moisture to allow for great nightly thunderstorms. They would cool everything off while providing a great light show. Then we could all sleep and the cycle of heating and cooling would continue the next day. It was a civilized way to run a summer. That doesn't happen so much around here anymore so the heat continues to build until we really get hit with a really powerful storm.

Damn Obama. I know this is his fault somehow. All the US programs tell me so. Just like he is responsible for the unseasonal cold snap in the US South. For this once I would trade places with those frozen hillbillies but only to feel the sweet embrace of cold air against my buttocks once again.

Now excuse me. I am going to sit in a cool tub and play with my frogmen. I suspect there is an octopus toy or two that they would like to spear.

Yes, this was just an excuse to show off my love for tub toys that allow me to recreate the battle at the bottle of the sea with the evil octopus. The heat makes me crazy.



j-swin said...

I hear ya brother, I moved from Ohio to Florida about 8 years ago and I still feel like I'm sweating 28 hours a day. Now I don't know what 30 degrees Celsius translates into Fahrenheit but it gets into the upper 90's here and it's no fun at all. Nothing is worse than stepping out the door at 7 am and feeling the beads run down your face...goddamn heat....

Kal said...

The heat with that humidity would kill me. Australia killed me.

j-swin said...

Yeah, it's bad. Winter is nice, kinda like autumn up north, but summer is killer.

Mike said...

Awesome Aquaman picture!