Saturday, June 6, 2015

TV Times - Cal Say NO To Aquarius

Sorry David Duchovny. I just couldn't stick with Aquarius. I didn't buy your partner looking like a pretty boy from 2015, not a cop in the 1970s. Where is his tie? Where is him being clean shaven? Where is his suit? Didn't buy it for a second.

Now the girl playing Charles Manson's newest conquest (Emma Dumont) is beyond beautiful but her doe like acting is killing me. She is just so limp and lifeless that I want to slap her for falling for Manson's bullshit. His seduction techniques are so obvious as to be laughable.

There is another problem. Charles Manson should be this charismatic boogey man but this character comes across as a punk who couldn't even take a punch. Why is everyone so afraid of him or hypnotized by his magnetism? I don't see it.

Dropped after two episodes. I usually watch something to the end once I start it but in this age of the binge I feel no shame in dropping shows that just don't get my attention right from the start. I am an old man now. My viewing time is valuable and there is less of it every day.

Golden Globe-winner David Duchovny stars in this dramatic event series set in the 1960s as a police sergeant in Los Angeles. Despite a complicated personal life, this officer embarks on an undercover investigation of a cult leader -- Charles Manson -- who recruits vulnerable young women to join his … Morecause. Duchovny's character and that of his young partner face many twists and turns as they track Manson and his crimes. Executive producers are Duchovny, John McNamara, Marty Adelstein and Melanie Greene.


Unknown said...

you are watching far too much junk cal. being summer i have very little time for tv so i keep it tight and lean. veep is the only new to me show that has really captured my eyeballs these past few months. it's great that one can dismiss a dozen shows or more and still have some mighty fine tv to watch. june 12, oitnb. happy b-day cal, only one year behind you.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Damn. I just made a great comment and lost it. Stupid blogger. I am trying to watch less junk but isn't it all junk in a way. Why else must I watch Hell's Kitchen and Deadliest Catch.

Unknown said...

it's not all junk cal. i look at tv like any other type of media, be it tactile or visual; pull me in and keep me in, or i'm off to something better. there are so many things to do in life that if you want my attention you better damn well be exceptional. i just watched the last episode of community and it was a masterpiece of an episode. sometimes 30 minutes of brilliance is all that i need to keep me coming back to the boob tube.

my cap shift key is broken so i'm channeling my inner e.e.cummings.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I hear ya. I have been very excited about Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell from BBC. And I am still the only person in the world that watched and loved Matador - the CIA/Soccer cop show.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"I am an old man now. My viewing time is valuable and there is less of it every day." -- Oh, how this made me laugh! Yes, welcome to your 50s, Cal.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

My fifties already suck.