Why do the words 'coming home to roost' appear in my head each time I learn more about this whole Rupert Murdoch journalism scandal? As delicious as it is to hear about all the evil Murdoch was perpetrating (and the type of evil he did was the highest form of douchbaggery possible by a human) what I am waiting for is the effect this will have on 'Fox News' which is another piece of Murdoch's world wide media empire.
Fox News has been allowed to exist without much question about the bias they show in their brand of conservative 'journalism' for too many years now. I think they need to be exposed in such a way that they can't spin the whole event and accuse the 'left' of engaging in a smear campaign.
I don't need to make any facts up. All we have to do is go to the videotape to justify the deliberate way that 'Fox News' manipulates the argument to favor one side (Conservative/Republican Party) of the political divide over the other (Progressive/Democratic Party). New stories on the Fox network heavily favor or promote the conservative side of the issues by a huge margin.
Like Murdoch, Fox News's stock in trade is fear - fear of change, fear of gay rights, fear of immigrants, fear of falling, fear of butterflies, fear of any woman newscaster who is not Aryan in look and behavior, fear of open toed shoes...I could go on and on.
I wonder if there are enough votes to force Rupert off the board of directors for Newscorp? It would be cool for the board to cut him loose. They could hold a press conference in Canada's north and put Rupert literally on a chunk of frozen ice. At the end of the press conference they just push him away from the shore and he slowly drifts away where the Arctic currents choose to take him. Problem solved.
I love this clip from 'South Park'. The Canadian PM just messed up by declaring all of Canada to be on strike so all Canadians took him to the shore of the Arctic Ocean and set him adrift on his own chunk of ice. The conversation between him and Terrence and Phillip is pure maple syrup to these ears. Polite with a sting of sarcasm. This is one of the finest moments of my people.
Okay, why can't I find any embeddable files for the sequence I want to show instead of these stupid remixes? One such mix is posted above. The second clip at least preserves the voice track which is very funny.
(I also hope you all notice the awesome connection I made between Rupert Murdoch and Terrence and Phillip. You have no idea the distance I had to travel to make my points. This stuff I do is gold baby! GOLD!)
Fox not only manipulates the argument in their favor, they occasionally state outright falsehoods and call it the news. They bully anyone who calls them out and the American public, as a whole, seems to be okay with having them around. The other major news outlets leave them alone cause they have been told to.
And the public, well they're too busy letting corporate America tell them what to do.
Your analysis of the issue is spot on correct. It's the death of journalism as we have known it. They have lost the one thing essential to their function - credibility.
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