Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rookie Cop's Community Policing Strategy

This will not go over well with his superiors.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! LOL....Look at the other one's expression...Crazy!!

Kal said...

The veteran cop knows how much paperwork this one picture will make for him when the bose get's a look at it.

"But Sir, I only turned my back for a second...."

Belle said...

Great photo.

Nick Ward said...

Where did you find this - those look suspiciously like kiwi cop uniforms... Bless them.

While we're on the subject here's some footage of our fine police force at work...


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Sound to me like you have issues with the constabulary, Nick.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

WOW... lol!