Ted Danson on CSI? I am interested to see what kind of character they create for him. Danson is a much better actor than he is ever given credit for. His timing is impeccable. He know just how to deliver a line with mastery be it ironic, comedic or deadly serious.
I hope this role differs sharply from the other roles he currently has on TV. I really want him to sink his teeth into more edgy material. I will happily wait until the premier of CSI in the fall to see what he comes up with.

I am also pleased that Dr Ray Langstrom's story ended last season with his victory over his arch nemesis - serial killer Nate Haskell. Lawrence Fishburn wasn't kept for this season but there was no way his character could go back to his job or his normal life after that life and death struggle he had with Haskell. Ray would have to leave Vegas for his sanity. He would need time to process what he did wrong and how he could have prevented many of the deaths that occurred.
The producers of CSI haven't brought Fishburne back and claim that it was lower rating that forced them to make a change.
If I understand the ratings numbers correctly, CSI hasn't left the top ten for most of it's run. Just because it had dropped from it's number one spot has more to do with different kinds of shows like 'American Idol' appealing to more people that CSI does. What were the producer bitching about? Even a RERUN of CSI get's in the top five most watched shows of the week.
The 'Dick and Jane Killer' stories were some of the most terrific character centered stories that CSI have ever done. The forensics blend seamlessly into the narrative and increase the number of clues the audience are given to follow the case closely. CSI does this kind of intense storytelling so many times, it's easy to forget how interesting it is to watch these episodes when the story is this tightly written.
'Who done it? and Why did they do it?' are two questions I always try to answer before the end of the episode. It's a fun game that I like to play in my head when I watch CSI.

Last year really went full out to give us a great season on CSI It was a scary, interesting story arc that often left your breathless. Stand-out performances by Laurence Fishburne as Langston and Broadway song and dance man Bill Irwin as the homicidal Haskell achor this multi-chaptered tale.
Haskell, who is smarter than everyone except maybe Ray, did not want to kill Ray - not die but suffer the deaths of those around him.. The portrayal of the evil Haskell can be compared to a pre-Joker kind of characterization. Haskell may be arrested but make no mistakes, he doesn't remains in custody not one second more than he needs to be. Haskal has shown that even under tight security conditions, he can still hurt people and in some cases, even kill them from behind his bars.
So lets see how a newbie fits into all this chaos and what fresh skills Ted's character will bring to the table. We all know it will be interesting to watch his first episode at least. I got a good feeling about this one. I think it's going to re-invigorate CSI for this final stage in the show's life.
"Will Ted Danson's talent give CSI: Crime Scene Investigation the bump in ratings it so desperately wants? Maybe! (Probably not.)
Danson is slated to take over the gory crime drama's male lead from Laurence Fishburne for the series' 12th season, premiering September 21. Fishburne has starred in the series since 2009, however he left in the spring after CBS opted out of renewing his contract.
Reportedly the network isn't happy with their once-star show's dip in ratings and they're banking on Danson — most awesomely of Cheers, Curb Your Enthusiasm and Bored to Death fame — to drive the ratings up.
Executive producer Carol Mendelsohn has said of the choice: “You can create a new character on the page, but until the perfect actor comes along and breathes life into it, it's just words. We're very excited Ted Danson came along.”
While NewsFeed doesn't doubt Danson's life-breathing skills (like we said, he's awesome), we're just hesitant to believe anyone can help the fading series. Twelve seasons (plus two spin-off series) worth of crime scenes is a lot of crime. Luckily, Danson will still be appearing on Bored to Death."
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