Tree Sweet Orange Juice, c.1980
Promotional letterhead for Tree Sweet Orange Juice, as endorsed by OJ Simpson.
Big thanks goes out to DrGoat for showing me this cool site devoted entirely to letterhead design. I can't think of the last time I got mail that had a cool letterhead design. It's an interesting lost art that thrived in a time when the mail was a vital part of everyday life and people had no problem waiting weeks for information or parcels or replies from loved ones.
This art form is from the days when we had to write down everything we wanted to say to someone who lived far way. No instant messaging. No texting, no cell phones. There were phones, sure, but those phones were attached to your house and could only go as far as the phone cord would allow.
It was a GOLDEN AGE. Even OJ was a hero so wholesome that he could endorse orange juice...OJ? Orange Juice? It's like this partnership was meant to be.
I wonder what happened to 'Tree Sweet Orange Juice'? I am sure OJ had nothing to do with their demise as a company. They went under long before OJ killed those two people.
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