Sunday, May 17, 2015

Damn You Rex Smith

With the triumph of the Daredevil series on Netflix, I can't help but think back to another actor who took on the role in the 70s. Before there was even your Ben Affleck, there was REX SMITH who had a special place in our house. My sister made the mistake once of saying she loved him and his music which I remember to be horrendous. I called him Sexy Rexy and mocked him mercilessly. He had poofy hair and wore his 70s pants way too tight. He was a joke to me.

Then came the movie, The Trial Of The Incredible Hulk, where Rex Played Matt Murdock and Daredevil, the black ninja version. The worst part, however was that he was actually good in the TV movie. I liked him not only because it was a comic book movie. He convincingly did the blind guy/superhero and was one of the very few heroes we ever got to see on live action TV. If the Hulk had to go on trial, who else but Matt Murdock could defend him?

I was watching this with my Father and my sister came in and didn't recognize her hero as Daredevil. I hoped she would walk away from boredom and miss seeing him as Matt. But it was too late. She discovered that he was playing superhero, something that forever destroyed my ability to make fun of Rex. 'He played a superhero' was all she needed to say to shut me up.



Barbecue17 said...

My wife and I were just talking about this portrayal of Matt Murdock yesterday at lunch!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

He was good. For the 70s and the limitations of the medium. The black suit was inspired before Miller ever used it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The only movie I ever saw Rex Smith in was the Pirates of Penzance with Kevin Kline and Linda Ronstadt. He was okay in it.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Don't bring up that movie to me. I was played way to many times in our house after she taped it off the movie channel.