Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I Do Because I Love

You would think that something like this happens all the time because it SHOULD happen all the time. In fact everyone with a blog should do a post about why I am awesome. You have so many different areas to choose from so the post will just write itself.

So cool to get this validation from Brother Simon Barton from the Glass Walking Stick. I am so lucky to know so many interesting people from all over the world. I am blessed to connect with you and enjoy all of your lives that you share with me through your blog. You are more of my extended family than my actual extended family and that is the truth. We choose each other to be friends and that is what makes you all special.

I wish I lived in world where we could just teleport to the same city for dinner and some music my friend. I know everything from the company to the conversation would be amazing.

Here is what Simon wrote. Of course you should go to his blog to see it for yourself but I wanted it recorded here. The life of an artist has so few rewards.

Just a quick shout-out to my good friend Calvin, of Canadian Cave Of Cool fame. He is THE master of clever, witty captions and I always love to see what he does with photos of our cats. Here is Jasper, photographed by Sophie a couple of days ago when she came home for the weekend. Sophie posted this on her Facebook page and said "Don't know why my cat was being seductive..." The mind boggles! Calvin, of course, turned this ridiculous picture into comedy gold. If you're reading ( or even, who knows, Following ) this 'ere blog you probably already know about the Cave Of Cool  -  it really is a wonderful place to visit. Calvin has recently, incredibly, passed the 5 million page views mark. That's some achievement! If you have some time to spare, Dear Reader, please drop in on the Cave and soak up some of the awesomeness there. And tell Calvin that cerebus660 sent you :-)