Saturday, June 6, 2015

Texas Rising Part Three

Everyone is still waiting around for Santa Anna to attack or for Sam Huston to attack while all these boys just hang around and have more mindless conversations. That is until they get two cannon and can start shooting at Mexican convoys which they don't do so what was the point of having them acquire them in the first place?

This show really got boring quickly. Santa Anna is an idiot for keeping an untrustworthy woman so close to him. Can't she just kill him and be done with it?

The rest of the show is so dull and preachy that I could barely make it to the end. I might just dump the final episodes and just assume that Texas won the battle and got to be a part of the US. This quote says it all for me.

Rather than thrilling battle scenes, we mostly see people clowning around on a campsite as if they’re in a salsa commercial.

Sorry Brendan. Still not buying it for a second.


DrGoat said...

Also, the gun and cannon fire are not authentic at all. They used
black powder back then, not the phoney rifle powder or whatever they
are using in this show. You're right, boring.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I gave it a fair try. Damn you History Channel. You can make a decent Nazis in space special but little else of interest.