Thursday, June 4, 2015

Will I Burn In Hell Because I Find One Of These Duggar Sister To Be Really Cute?

I like the one of the left. The one on the right we can toss back to the Puppy Mill. I understand she has those wide birthin' hips. Just like they like it on the Duggar livestock operation.
But I feel the same way about these two so you see my dilemma. Mr T or Boy George. If you had to kill one, how could you ever choose? The loss to human civilization would be incalculable.

This is going to get a whole lot stranger before it gets stranger still. Wait until these girls get away from their parents with THEIR shows because the molested daughters are sympathetic and cute and white and popular and some cynical bible thumper/Hollywood agent will find a way to keep this bullshit on he air. The monetization of victimization continues. Only now the victims are in for their cut. Maybe one girl will be away from the madness long enough to get educated beyond her grade five level but I doubt that. Sad all around because the cycle of madness continues for another generation. Every girl who has come of age already has many children before their 21st birthdays.
None of these children can function in a world that requires more than their simple education. Do they have computers or internet access? Do they know how to use a cell phone? Are the little ons nurtured by their parents or taught by undereducated siblings? Can they do higher level math. Do they even see a Science textbook? Where are the people in the Department of Education to investigate that. I am a trained educator with 2 degrees. Sent me in to decipher they bullshit curriculum and all the damage it is doing to children who have to function as adults AWAY from The Duggar compound/cult training center one day. What do they do if a food wagon hits those two lovely parents - her with the scary bug eyes of a true believer - and the kids are left to fend for themselves. I predict it will be Lord of the Flies/Caligula by the end of the week.
And now Sarah Palin has wandered into the fray to get her ten minutes of self pity. Gah! I would turn off my computer and TV and never look again...if I could but I love the train wreck that passes for news these days. It's all such shit....from the Duggars, to Jenner and now this bitch is back. Never a situation invented that she can't make worse just by her participation in it.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

They'll probably all get rich as hell off of this. Murica.

DrGoat said...

You're probably right, curses.
And Sarah, that paragon of stupidity, surfaces again to spew more BS.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh it just validates everything I have said if Palin is on the other side. She can burn with the rest of them. You think Duck Dynasty will weigh in and we can add them to the fire?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

We can only hope.