Let me let you into the hot dog factory that is my blog for a second. It's a simple formula really. I surf around my blog roll and some other places. I see something that appeals to me or demands a reaction or comment and I save that picture or verse.
I usually post about it right away, pausing anything I may have on the media player because if I let the picture or the thought get away I know it may be lost to the ether forever and truly, that is what I hate the most.
I have the attention span of a hummingbird and there is too much competition in too small a cranial space for a goofy throw away reference to ever survive. I am all about looking out for that little idea that just needs a chance to sour from the nest like an eagle.
It also allows me to credit where I found the item I post about before that too is lost. (I started the 'From the Files of the Cave of Cool' feature just to clear out my picture file and because I was embarrassed that I had forgotten where I first found those images. I can live with the loophole because I know those pictures came from one of the tublrs or blogs that I so treasure for my material and who I do credit 90% of the time.)
This giant bar is indicative of what inspires a post. I see it, I have a story about 'Toblerone' and I tell it. Do I hope someone in the head office will see it and send me all kind of neat swag after bringing me to their secret underwater headquarters in their triangle shaped hover submarine? Of course.
I still hold out the hope that one day Ms Selena will show up at the front door with a whole carload of her 'Waverly Place' figures. It's the reason I currently have none in my collection. SHUT UP! She WILL come. SHE WILL!
Mhmm, and prey tell, this giant Toblerone, in the picture... how does one acquire such a thing?
I have a good attention span, way bigger than a hummingbird, and I saw the candy, and stuck to it.
I can only assume it exists on only one planet in the entire universe...and costs more than a man's soul to aquire...but worth the sacrifice. I will get back to you.
another great story! and chocolate also...
I like to concider myself a full service operation.
I'm exhausted. How do you do all this in one day? I mean, I know you're in the Cave, and all, but holy crap!
Remember I don't have to work so I need something to fill my days our I am back on the water tower with unreasonable demands.
I don't sleep much either. Have no gf or friends that require my attention. My pet is a self sufficient (basically) cat who only has use for my skills with the cat brush, the door handle and my ability to open the cat tin and scoop the food into a clean bowl.
I type very very fast also. My focus and transition from teaching to blogging untilyzes basically the same skill set.
If anything I am kind of a bum compared to how much I used to write and mark and coach and read and plan classes daily
This is actually a nice holiday.
But I do get it's an insane way to deal with life by not really dealing with it in a healthy normal way.
It's mind-boggling. Usually I can find the post that I left that comment on that time, but not always.
I like it. I'm a reader, you know. So it's like a whole new chapter over here every day and it's Choose Your Own Adventure, too! Brilliant!
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