Friday, June 19, 2015

Best Gun Related Rant I Read All Week

Finally some gun owner writes something reasonable after the latest incident of gun violence.
The NRA is is mental illness

It's really just that simple.

Look, I'm a gun owner. I'm a professionally trained firearms instructor. And I have more experience with guns than any ten people you'd care to name. A gun is a tool, like a hammer or a skill-saw. A gun is NOT an extension of your dick. A gun doesn't make you a patriot, or a better American, or a man. It can be used for good or for ill but in the end it's just a goddamned tool and if you think it's anything more than... that, then you shouldn't be carrying one. I'll go further and say that NRA's membership, the people taking orders from Ted Nugent and Wayne Lapierre and Chuck Cotton, shouldn't be allowed to own or operate anything more dangerous than a slingshot. These people are NOT, repeat NOT, protecting my rights either as an American or as a gun owner any more than a raving paranoid screaming on the street corner about Jesus and the end of the world is protecting my freedom of religion and speech. You. Don't. Speak. For. Me.

The bizarre monomaniacal obsession with guns that infects a certain portion of the American population is a mass mental illness. It's a sickness that kills and injures more Americans each year than all the acts of terrorism combined. Less than a handful of people died in the US last year from Ebola and we lost our damned minds even going so far as to demand the president appoint an Ebola Czar. 30,000 people die on average each year in this country from guns and we just wave our little flags and shout "Freeeeeeeeedom!"
Let me be blunt: If you think the victims in Charleston are to blame for their own deaths, then you can fuck right the hell off my page. Don't comment, don't email me, don't send me a message, fuck off. You. Need. Professional. Help. Do us all a favor and go get it.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

A right-on rant and an outstanding political cartoon.

jester59388 said...

THANK YOU! We need more people like this speaking up and calling bullshit on the pro-gun lobby! We know they are out there. If TRUE responsible gun owners would advocate for rational regulations, we might be able to actually get something done about it. And the cartoons are indeed classic!