Monday, October 19, 2009

After All These Years

THIS is the wedding I think we all deserve. Its a different time. You two gals want to be in love and swing like that, who are we to tell you that you can't. That's what you get for making them wait too long Mr Archie Andrews. I am sure you can always find solace in the arms of your friend Jughead. I see the way he sneaks peeks at you around the pool. Strike now while the iron is hot. You aren't getting any younger. And Veronica already got herself a good job with an up and coming professional organization.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I'd pay good money to see their honeymoon.

Mykal Banta said...

Oh my God yes. A thousand times yes. -- Mykal

Hannah said...

LOL! I love the look on Archie's face! Selfish bastard deserves to have them marry each other and not his ungrateful ass!

Mykal Banta said...

Frankly, Arch was reaching a bit beyond his station for either of them. -- Mykal

Nathan said...