Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I feel like Larry Trainer, the Negative Man. I feel at times that I can leave my body especially when I am just falling asleep. I have heard it also refered of as 'lucid' dreaming where I can physically manipulate items I am dreaming about. I often can fly while I am dreaming and display feats of strength. Am I alone?
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Anonymous said...

Once I'm out, I'm out.

Sam G said...

Once and awhile I'll have an OBE and fly...it's great, until I fall.

Wings1295 said...

I have realistic, albeit weird, dreams, but no flying.

Drake said...

I flew a jet once in a dream but that's about it for flying in my dreams.

Unknown said...

no, you're not alone.

Margaret Benbow said...

If you have great special powers when you're zzzzzzing, you should feel like Positive Man, not Negative Man. I can't fly, ever; but recently dreamed that I fell very, very gently off my bike, and the bike's handlebars had turned into stag's antlers with beautiful green vines twined around them.