Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cool Old Time Television Introductions


ThoughtCriminal said...

Ever notice how similar the Miami Vice intro was to Hawaii Five-O?

Pluche said...

The nice girl in the Hawai 5-0 intro is one Elizabeth Louise Malamalamaokalani White Logue. She played in the movie "Hawai" in 66 and she was the poster girl for Hawai. Unfortunately died in 88, aged 57. Way too young.

FilmFather said...

Jumping in a little late here; man, Cal, you are one prolific blogger...

Hawaii 5-0 is still, hands-down, the best TV intro ever. Period. It drips of coolness. In that 60 seconds, it tells you all you need to know about the setting you'll be in for the next 60 minutes. Every time I see it, I want to visit Hawaii -- not present day, but the way it was in those credits, circa 1968. (Though since I would be a fetus, I might have a problem getting through customs.)

Anonymous said...

You are right Pluche, she was WAY TOO YOUNG -- Stop disseminating incorrect information about Elizabeth Logue. You are taking information off of a very unreliable source. IMDB.com:
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0517790/. True, it says she died in 1988. But it also says she was born in 1931! NOT! Check this out my friend, and check the age of Elizabeth Logue -- this source is far more credible than your guesswork and sloppy attibution: http://books.google.com/books?id=10sEAAAAMBAJ&lpg=PA84&ots=u57o2G8bMK&dq=the%20missing%20elizabeth%20logue%20hawaii%20five%20o&pg=PA86#v=onepage&q&f=false