I was in the toy store the other day and I heard some kid complain to his mother that they didn't have any 'good' Lego sets for him to buy like it was her fault. Now normally I let this stuff go but I am kinda full of myself and my own brilliance this week (and for those of you that this 'quirk' annoys, trust me that it will all fall apart soon enough. You don't have to wish for it) so I said right to him...
"What is wrong with you? When I was your age we had TWO types of Lego pieces...squares and rectangles and maybe some windows and we were happy to have it. If you can't creates something original from all THIS that you already own (and I waved my hand dramatically over the shelf - really a nice touch - the mother liked that flourish) then you have NO imagination".
Then I went about my business at the next aisle. God that felt good.
I think I NEED to get back in the classroom. I need that outlet for my brain or I will find myself on a water tower - AGAIN - making bizarre demands to uniformed authority figures like they have to eliminate the question mark before I come down. They promised the 'next time' they WILL shoot me. I have to take that threat seriously I think. I can't take a bean bag round to the head like I used to.

The last place in the world I want to go to is, "Legoland." I pledge here and now that I will never step foot in that place.
Why would you, they scatter all those little pieces everywhere and insist you take your shoes off at the door. Fricken European's and their oh so hip building blocks.
No to Legoland? It's clear that we're two different types of people. I hate amusement parks as a rule, but my love of Legos knows no bounds. For about two years in my childhood, I spent every bit of allowance I got on legos.
I had a huge plastic crate full of them. I'd build monster ships and create amazing space operas with them.
Legos = best toy ever.
Don't get me wrong. Legos are great. I have a place of love in my childhood for them too that is only marked by the bitterness that I have over the fact that I couldn't create anything really epic out of the simple shapes we had when I was a lad. To see the variation they have today and especially the figures and tech you can do - in annoys me to no end. If I had those tools to work with as a kid my Lego time machine would be wisking people to vacations with the dinosaurs to this day. See I also had Playmobile which worked alongside one's Legos and Playmobile gave you an INSANE amount of options and accessories that you would loose your mind.
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