'Lost' will always be remembered by me as the show that really had to take the risk front loading all its character development at the beginning of the series so that the end ride could feel like that first big dip you take on a roller coaster. I get what they were trying to do all along now.
It was not easy to keep the faith. My trust wavered on more than one occasion because so many times before I had been let down by a vision not quite realized by it's creator. We all know what shows we are talking about.
Maybe that is the sweetest thing thing of all this program had given me - hope that someone would be able to carry through right to the end and leave me not wanting more.
With a word or a glance I can see where all the chess pieces are being positioned for the finale and while I know that good will triumph over evil like it does in all the best epic stories, I am not quite so sure that I want it too.
I want everyone to fail to measure up to the tremendous demands put on human potential because failure is what humanity does best - except for those times when that ONE tiny spark, ignites a flame within us that burns it's way to victory - and leaves the Earth scorched behind it only so we can replant the seed again.
Who will save us all in the end? Jack? Kate? Sawyer? Hurley? Locke? Sun? Personally I am rooting for Ben to redeem himself and all of us.
The only thing I will not forgive is some out of left field, dues ex machina, O'Henry twist that no one ever could have predicted.
'Lost' is maddening and elegant. In a few short weeks I will be able to tell you if it's the best TV show it has ever been my pleasure to watch.

Only a few 'sodes left now! I don't know if any outcome will be satisfactory, but damned if I'm not sticking around to find out! :)
PS - LOVE the Hurley pic. He's one of my favourite characters.
Yeh, I hear ya. I got on the ride and I got to see it through to the end. I fought taking on this series for five years and I caught up in the past several months so it's something that has been intensly part of my life since January. I can only imagine how someone with a six year investment feels about it. In both cases our lives will be different once it's all over and that is bizarre for me to think about.
Oh and Hurley rocks. What a brilliant character and casting choice. Never judge a book by it's cover. And really, I am rooting for Ben to save us all but in the end we all will let Hurley go if he is 'the one'.
Its Desmond! What number was he to get the chicken? 42!!
Respectfully, Desmond would never sacrifice himself in that way and leave Penelope and child. He fought his fight to get back to her. I have no doubt that he will hold up his part in the end but he doesn't have it left in him to go all the way.
OMG it is SO nice to be caught up to the point where I can actually talk to people about this show finally.
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