Perhaps it's appropriate that during 'Cal Week' (sick of hearing about that yet?) that Russell and his Lionesses should be ruling Survivor. My life is surrounded by 'lionesses'. I am not at all a lion. I am like that mane-less brother of the head male that they take in and keep around half out of pity and half out of the entertainment value I bring to the pride.
The Heroes have been tricked to believe (by some pretty weak reasoning) that the Villains are run by an all girl alliance I affectionately call 'The Lionesses'. Why that name? Well we all know that in nature the male lion is not the king legend makes him out to be. The female lions are the ones who actually run the pride. They do all the hunting and keep the male around to prevent other males from sniffing about for sex. The ladies control procreation when times are good and will boot any male who assumes otherwise to the shade of the next tree.
But doesn't Russell run that alliance? Yeh, he does until they are tired of him and Parvati (who I don't know if I love or hate but boy that devious mind of hers' impresses me. She is Russell's twin separated only at birth - when they each killed half the babies in the nursery before escaping into the wild in opposite directions) decides he has to go.
She has done two things he has never done - survived 100 days on this show and WON it. The first you can't expect from Russell since he was found late in the cycle of shows but the other he needs to lay claim to if he wants consideration as the greatest one to ever play the game.
What does one say about poor J.T? At first I was thinking that bumpkin was some kind of Hillbilly genius with the way he schemed to protect a person on ANOTHER tribe with a hidden immunity idol. That was until Russell showed the love letter J.T. had written to him to Parvati. I felt as bad for him as you do for a buddy who drunk dial's his ex at 3 a.m. and leaves a message on her machine.
Russell even got the man love on his side. Truly any child conceived between a union of Russell and Parvati would be the anti-Christ. I am not judging. I am just saying.
Finally they got rid of Courtney who had to go. I really really hate to see the girls who become skeletons on that show. I know the culture claims that is beauty but to me that is one of the most horrid images of a human being that I can see.
Coach continued to impress with the outfit he wore to the elimination ceremony. He may look, act and BE goofy but he goes 'full retard' with his beliefs so he has my respect. It's not an act.
I agree, Russell is the best player EVER...
i don't know if he'll actually ever win, because of the jury, but he controls the game like nobody before him.
Yeh, the jury is like the 'man'. And we know what the 'man' does. I have been watching Ken Burn's baseball series again and there is always the question of who was the greatest player ever. Of course it's hard to compare players from different eras.
Is Ty Cobb the best ever because on paper he can make that case or does he get rejected because he was the most vile human being to ever weild a bat?
Is Russel the greatest player without ever winning the show? Does carrying the winner on your back the whole cycle make you the winner.
Did Sam or Frodo save Middle Earth? I say Sam because he GOT Frodo to the fires of Mt. Doom.
God, I can't believe what an idiot JT is turning out to be. And that Colby went along with it. I wanted to reach through my TV and strangle JT tonight!
I was sorry to see Coach go last week; the guy is totally growing on me. But I was happy to see Courtney go; she is definitely weak and unreliable and needed to get some food into her!
Russell is one evil mutha, i couldn't believe JT gave him the idol.
This could be the best Survivor ever.
JT is fighting his better nature thinking he can pull it off. It's kinda sad that he thinks he has to betray every instinct that made him so decent in his first go round just to win. He will have to live with that everytime he looks back and sees what we see.
Russell may be evile but I would follow that magnificent bastard to the gates of Hell itself.
They may have erred keeping Sandra around. She's been my homie ever since she won us the Survivor Office Pool in Pearl Islands and bought the offspring his Playstation II...but I digress.
I cannot count the number of times in the last two seasons that I have thought FOR SURE Russell was out and it hasn't happened. The man is a menace. But handing Parv a "woman's alliance" that she didn't even need to work for may have been a mistake...
Unless the women turn on each other because that never happens in real-life and reality shows ever.
Sandra's best hope is the merge.
Calvin's advice to woman number 1 -
Have a gay man cut your hair because they love women and a woman will never do a good job because women hate women.
That doesn't apply to the fashion industry where clearly gay men and old women hate women.
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