This piece if called 'Someday I Will Never Grow Up'. I think we all know why this girl will never grow up - because she is RIDING A SQUID that will land in some abandoned field to picnic on her stupid ass. I hope the artist does an AFTER portrait so that I can use it in my seminars. People seem to get the point much better if you can be visual with them.
This is a cool picture though!!! Sans octopus of course...
Oh yeh. It's all fun and games until the cephalopod turns on you.
Have you played Resident Evil 4? There are squid like appendages that pop out of some of the zombie heads.
I wish I was a modern video game guy. I don't have the patience to learn as I go. I am an 'old school go to the arcade' kind of gamer. But oh boy would I love to open up with extreme prejudice on those video squids.
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