Tomorrow my mother turns 70 years old and she doesn't look at day over 55. I was going to plan a party for her with all her friends but she nixed that idea because she said they are so boring when they all get together that she can't stand it. So instead I am sending her to Vancouver to watch the whales (and maybe swim off with them) in September.
Guess that ice cream cake I got from Dairy Queen will have to be shared between me and her and the cat. And I will go with her to breakfast and then the Innifail farmer's market will I will get the best pepperoni sticks they make on planet earth.
So happy birthday mom. I know I am your favorite because my stupid sister keeps giving excuses why she can't get her webcam to work so that her mother can talk to her grandchildren daily. Way to come through as always you irresponsible shoeless hippie.
*On a side note, Bugs Bunny also turned 70 this week. Cool.
Happy Birthday to your Mom!
Happy Birthday, Kal's mommy! You did good with your son. As far as the shoeless hippie, well, one of out two isn't bad.
Your Mom is cooler than most moms. I hope she has a wonderful birthday and I'm sure she'll enjoy Vancouver, although if you want to see whales in the wild and not just at the aquarium, you have to go to the Island -- to Tofino or somewhere like that.
Happy birthday to your mom, Cal! DQ ice cream cake FTW!!!!
Happy birthday to your mother!
Happy birthday to your mom! I'm sure she IS cooler than mine, since mine isn't particularly cool, though mine is a Leo like yours, so we've probably got some mother issues in common.
A very Happy B-day to your Mom Cal!
Now she is going to get her hair streaked and get her ears peiced for the first time so she can wear the diamond earings she has. I suggested a tattoo or skydiving.
Happy Birthday Mom! She looks so young!
Happy Birthday to Your Mom!!!! And hugs to you her great son!
Happy Birthday to your Mom. She sounds cool. :)
happy birthday to your lovely mama xbx
Mmmm, ice cream cake. Happy birthday, you sweet young thing, you!
Happy b-day to Mom o' Cal.
Congratulations Mrs. Cave!
Please tell your mom to be careful on Hastings Street, and that the great Pacific octopi are really looking forward to meeting one of Cal's family.
And hey does the shoeless hippie have a blog? Does she perhaps fixate endlessly on Justin Bieber??
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