I think I know how SamuraiFrog feels. He does these great young stars/pokemon mash-up images and feels that they are dumb but I think they are a cool inspiration. I get the same inspiration looking at a cat picture that seems to talk to me. Maybe they really ARE talking to me. I have been alone a long time so I might be going insane.
that's a good thing!
Well no mummy invasions so far. So it has to be working.
I find that most of my funny captions i add to tumblr pics go over like a lead balloon,many are not re-blooged or people just remove my caption, seems i'm not so damn funny as i think i am. It depresses me.
I love your cat captions.
You are wrong buddy. We both are as funny as we think we are - me even more so. I know the funny and have a lifetime of inappropriate laughter from others to prove it.
I like your cat stuff. But it's probably too wordy for that tumble place. I mean, three or four sentences?!? I don't think they can concentrate that long.
I love them please never stop!!!
I have to ask...what's your favorite one that you have done?
I don't think I have only one favorite. Each picture is done so quick and I rarely spend alot of time thinking about the caption. Each picture just speaks to me in that cat voice (or not) I hear in my head all the time. Some pictures will sit in the file for a month before the right caption appears.
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