Saturday, June 21, 2014

Toy Collection Project Of The Week

One of my least pleasurable job this summer will be going through all my boxes and drawers to collect all my stuff and organize it into one place. I am keen on doing this because I know there are great photographs and artwork and other such treasures squirrelled away throughout my house. One of the projects I am obsessed with is finding all the parts of my General Custer figure which I foolishly took out of the box years ago. That will learn me. Never open the box. It's was such a thrill to find his pistol yesterday to add to all the rest of the parts I have discovered during my cleaning spree. It's great that the side of the box has a picture of all the accessories so I will know when my hunt is finished.

This reproduction figure came out in 2001 and used MARX toys original molds so the figure is as close to the 60s originals as you can get. I want my figure to stand in the display case with as much of his stuff as I can find. It's weird how those kind of things are exciting to me.

Okay, this sucks. Look how poorly the pistol fits into the holster. That is goofy.

But I did find one spur and the binoculars this morning.
Can the saber be far behind not to mention his right hand?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

He sits like a two dollar hooker.

Kal said...

Which one of us doesn't at our age??

And in his time a two dollar hooker was high priced.