Thursday, January 17, 2019

I Just Don't Give A Shit.

I hated Avatar. Right from the moment I left that theatre I regretted I had seen this 'revolutionary epic'. The only thing that was epic was the horrible time I had that night at the movies. I hate James Cameron. He is a horrible writer who insists on writing movies by himself. He is a lunatic as a director and most of any 'magic' he creates comes in post production. Never has someone with so many tools did so LITTLE with them to make movies. Sure they make a lot of money but so did those Twilight movies. I liked Alien 2, Terminator 1 and 2 but I was tricked into watching Titanic long after all the hype had died down. I actually enjoyed the Abyss more but he almost killed several of his actors making that film. But knowing him it will take him years to put out these movies because he makes movies like he has all the time in the world. I couldn't care less. I hope he dies so someone can take this footage and maybe make something decent out of this garbage pile full of inbred aliens just waiting to die for dramatic effect.

Now I see this news. I don't care. I was bored with this story in 2012 and I am bored with it now.

Avatar 2 And 3 Production Reportedly Completed

Why do I want to watch a movie full of alien Hillbillies.
When does the stupidest one pull out a banjo?
I just don't give a shit.

These were my Facebook comments on this topic.
The worst bait and switch in movie history. Dazzled my mind and hurt my brain with a story so inane that all I could think about while watching it were all the other BETTER movies that the writer/director stole from to put together a terrible story. If you are going to steal Dances With Wolves then make DANCES WITH WOLVES. Not one ounce of surprise. And even the much touted effects get old after about an hour. With nothing compelling to take me to the end all I could do was beg for death.
I don't care how much I made. I hated it. I hated that Dances With Wolves was the movie I actually saw on screen only with blue aliens. He dazzled my eyes but insulted my brain. All this time and that story was the best he could come up with - to steal something so blatantly and think he could fool me makes him an asshole. And you watch. All this time will add up to one big nothing. And check back. I ALWAYS hated this film.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree with your assessment of Avatar. It bored me stiff.

DrGoat said...

Agreed. Not interested. But Cal, tell us what you really think.

dan muray said...

Kevin Costner did it earlier and better---he should sue.....I would. Dan M

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks everyone. Sorry I was so obtuse there Dr G. I hoped you could read through the lines.

j-swin said...

I couldn’t give less of a shit about these movies. Right on par with those horrible transformers movies.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

But not Bumblebee. Bumblebee is awesome and will wipe that dirty taste from your mouth. I know because no one hates the Michael Bay transformer movies like I do.

j-swin said...

I’ll have to check it out then.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Please do if you are a fan. I almost cried and was very entertained. That last minute of Bumblebee with make a grown man cry.