One minutes you think you are on a good night out and the next thing you know you are lunch and your loved ones no longer know were you are. It's insidious. Put that same exact shape on land, secure it near an Indian casino and you got human victims right around cheque day.
I can't be everywhere all the time so take this little PSA to heart, you gamblers, and SAVE YOURSELVES.

Ocean's 14?
Excellent. I never thought of the casino camouflage angle.
The casino camouflage is just so smooth and have to be strong for all humanity, Cal, and stand on your lonely promontory ready to light the signal fires, because some of us are getting tired of fighting this monster superintelligence and the everlasting.....gleaming... beckoning.... tentacles.....
Margaret... I want YOU to write my biography if they ever get me.
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