WARNING - this post contains inappropriate language. I post that only for those who will lose their shit over what I am about to say.
Welcome to 2010. The air here is less fresh but much warmer. Our political debate is just as fractured but our ability to express every nutty opinion we have to the tech drunk masses (of which I am proudly one) has never been stronger.
So stop telling me not to say the words, 'Fag', 'Nigger' or 'Retard'. Let me clarify. I don't use those words often. Maybe not even once a month. So to take them away from my arsenal of words that PERFECTLY express my disdain over a BEHAVIOR I see someone committing is beyond annoying.
You are ONLY a FAG if you ACT like one. To ACT like a FAG in 2010 is to do something like wanting to PREVENT someone else - (usually a gay person - oh the irony) from living their life as freely as you live yours. I am looking right at you glass house conservatives who are afraid of catching 'the gay' because they may be next to you in line at the movies. Spray yourself with 'Fabreeze' when you leave the house and you will be fine.
Your hillbilly relatives have never done a greatest job at raising their idiot racist children so stop pointing fingers at two men or two women who want to step up to give some kid a better life. I would like to see the stats at how many of those kids finish high school, attend college and avoid teenage pregnancy.
You are only a NIGGER if you ACT like one. Chris Rock once said, I LOVE Black people but I HATE niggers. There is also a distinction between 'field nigger' and 'house nigger behavior'. Check out this fabulous site for insight you need, cracker. (which I resemble in the mirror only).
I pray for the day when I can say to my white friends, in full view of black people I don't know, the phrase 'nigger please' when my friend has said something stupid. It's the most perfect response ever devised for that purpose.
Now for the word RETARD. Good lawd with the RETARD. The term, 'going FULL retard' is also a term of respect from me. We give OSCARS to performers who do such a thing in a movie. It's a term of respect for your EFFORT or lack there of.
RETARD is not something I would ever call someone with a birth defect that prevents their brain from working as it was designed to. But I will call you a RETARD if you do RETARDED behavior.
For example...Sarah Palin IS a retard for what she says and encourages others to do. That makes her a FAG also. It's a rare double achievement for her. However her beautiful child is not a retard. He is developmentally challenge. Like her other neglected props.
Do we get it now? Any questions? Class dismissed.
I too wish to live on a planet where people stop thinking words have some hidden power to wound. Censoring speech and behaviour is something i cannot stand.
I never use the word "nigger" and i grew up in the south! Retard i have and like you say in the way when someone does or says something so stupid you just have to call them out on it. Brits can't call their ciggies fags anymore?
Hell you can't even use the word handicap let alone cripple now (wonder how the building trade gets away with saying cripple studs maybe they have to call them differently abled studs?).
Not saying these words are good or bad but they are just words and i hate all the name labels you have to use now "Native American" "African American" just add Canadian where it applies...
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.
Unless those words are engraved on a stick or a stone.
Oh yes email via stones would smart a bit.
There are books in my house that I don't even tell people I have, any more. Can you imagine being seen in public reading something called "The Negro Revolt?" Right there on the COVER?
Good Gawd almighty. What would Massa do if he find out? You is going from the house to the fields Miss Megan?
I should start by saying that I'm the mom of a child with special needs.
I personally would like you to not use the word retard. It's just what I'm asking. I'm not trying to ban the word. You have the right to use the word retard any time you want. You can start a mean spirited Facebook group which mocks kids with special needs. That is your right. I believe in free speech but that right is also extended to me. I have the right to tell you that using the word retard in any situation dehumanizes my child and I don't like it. I speak up for the most vulnerable because in a lot of cases they can't speak up for themselves. I respect your right to use the word any time you want, I just don't get why anyone would. That's just me.
Thanks for giving me my turn to speak and thanks for listening.
Best wishes.
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